
Pros And Cons Of Vaccination

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This article is about Somali American groups who lives in Minnesota that aren’t willing to receive or allowing their children to get the vaccines because of their attitudes toward the fear that links between MMR and the cause of autism. In Minnesota the department of public health is trying to combat a growing measles outbreak but unfortunately less than half of the children in Minnesota that's part of the Somali culture have received the MMR shot. The Somali population resistance from vaccination remain strong even when there is a measles outbreak they are still unwilling to take the vaccine. People resistance from vaccination didn’t just all started now even when the vaccines has been widely introduced long before people have similar concerns …show more content…

There are pros and cons on vaccinations such as it can save lives and protects the population of people from getting sick or having the illness. While on the other hand getting the vaccines might have a serious fatal side effects. Vaccination protects both the individual person who is vaccinated and the population as a whole, which allow our immune system to resist from viruses and bacterias, therefore we don’t get sick and we won’t be able to pass the sickness to others. More people getting vaccinated less people in the population getting the illness or getting sick. Vaccination might have side effects such as autism or other types of disorders, but it hasn’t been proven. This theory has cause people to have negative viewpoints on vaccines and makes them feel unsure on whether or not to have their children …show more content…

Even though there is a measle outbreak going on they still refuse to vaccinate their children, Which is a good example of the concept vaccination and there are pros and cons on getting the vaccines. Vaccination help our body to be resistant from bacterias and virus that cause us to not get sick or get diseases. Vaccine prepared our body to fight off the bacterias or viruses that enter into our body system which keeps us from getting sick or having an illness. In the article in Minnesota there is an outbreak of measles, therefore people in the population should get vaccinated so that they won’t get the measles. If only a few people in Minnesota get vaccinated only those few will survive through this outbreak. People who didn’t get vaccinated will have a high chance in getting measles. For instance if one person who didn't get vaccinated and caught the measles he or she will pass it to the next person then the whole entire population will get affected by it since they didn’t get the vaccine. The cause of the measle outbreak is because people aren’t willing to get vaccination therefore more and more people getting the disease because it spread from one person to another from the same air we breathe. In which it got out of control because almost the entire population ended up with the

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