Protein Persuasive Speech Outline

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1) What is essential for our body to function? One thing that comes to mind is protein, proteins are ignored by many, and do not understand the important of protein for the human body.
2) Protein helps with growth, muscle development, bone strengthening, and can help prevent illnesses, weight loss. People are afraid that if they consume too much protein they will get fat and gain weight. Parents need to be aware of the essential needs of protein for physically active kids, that lack of protein can hinder a child’s muscle, bone and growth development.
Children and Protein
1) One of the important aspects of protein is growth; it plays an important role in this area. Physically active kid especially need protein for the …show more content…

Its during treatment kids will lose muscle mass, bone density, and strength. Research is shown that protein intake and resistant training can help kids recover the loss of muscle loss and gain their strength. With their strength, muscle, and bone density returning to them gives them a higher chance to fight off leukemia. (Boland, A. M., Gibson, T. M., Lu, L., Kaste, S. C., DeLany, J. P., Partin, R. E., & ... Ness, K. K. (2016)
1) Most American are crazy about protein, bodybuilders, athletes etc., but we adults are missing the point of protein. Philip Jakeman, PhD, of the University of Limerick in Ireland, mentioned that as we get older the more muscle tissue we lose, but protein can help prevent the loss of muscle tissue. When we get older and we consume the right amount of protein us humans will not be so fragile, compared to the ones who do not consume enough protein.( Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 2016)
2) Sarcopenia means the loss of muscle mass, which happenes as we get older; moreover, we gain fat instead of muscle. To prevent this older men and females can good sources of protein through good dairy products or protein supplements. These products can help maintain lean body mass and can even help with fat loss.( Maltais M, Perreault K, Courchesne-Loyer A, Lagacé J, Barsalani R, Dionne