Provider Management Interview

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Into the 21st century, an era filled with many possibilities of an ever-changing social culture, it’s time to step out of the comfort zone to deploy tactics to address these changes. “Today’s managers and organizations are being buffeted by massive and far- reaching competitive, social, technological, and economic changes.” (Daft. XV) Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to interview Matthew Moen, Direct of Provider Management, to one of the largest Care Management Healthcare Organization in Wisconsin, about the importance of being an effective manager. As leaders not only is it crucial to continue being exposed to innovative ways of managing, but it should include learning new styles and ways to combat these changes in which can be explored …show more content…

“In common use, people think of personality in terms of traits, the fairly consistent characteristic that a person exhibits.” (Daft 2014) Studies have shown that most people fall into one of these dimensions of personality that can be described as the “Big Five personality factors”. “Big five personality factors describe an individual’s extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experiences.” (Daft 2014) Consequently, in an interactive project that involves constant interactions with providers, multiple times throughout the life of the project, the best personality that could see that project through would be the “extroversion” type. “Extroversion are people who are typically outgoing, sociable, assertive and comfortable with interpersonal relationships.” (Daft 2014) Therefore, when I asked Matthew Moen who on his team fit the description of extroversion, he smiled and jokingly replied “all of them! Otherwise, I wouldn’t hire them.” (Moen. M (2018, April 27th.) Personal Interview.) Matthew Moen believes that out of all the personality types under the Big Five personality chart all nine of his direct reports exhibit one ofr more of those qualities and that’s what make them such wonderful managers. “Take Sue for example. I think she fits the extroversion type. Sue loves to talk, and …show more content…

It could be hard to evaluate ourselves, but it is one of the most effective ways to seek continuous growth in this constantly changing environment. One of the ways to do that is to place managers in one of the categories on the “Leadership Grid”. “The most effective supervisors were those who established high performance goals and displayed supportive behavior towards subordinates.” (Daft 2014) Matthew Moen seek to provide feedbacks to his staff multiple times throughout the year so that when performance evaluation comes around there are no surprises. Everyone should be on the same page. “I want my staff to know that I am there. I want them to be comfortable coming to me and I want to develop staff to be leaders of their own someday so offering fair, constructive, empowering environment is what I mostly strive for.” (Moen. M (2018, April 27th.) Personal Interview.) Therefore, Matthew Moen displayed characteristic that would place him under the “Team Management” grid. “Team Management” is exactly where managers should strive to be. The “Team Management” style ensures that “work accomplishment is from committed people, interdependence through a common stake in organization purposes leads to a relationship of trust and respect.” (Daft 2014) As the Director, Matthew Moen is well respected by