
Psychodynamic Approach In Research

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Some people believe that psychology is not a science because the study of the human mind is often missing the tightly controlled experimental conditions and conclusive results that you'll find in other fields of science like astronomy or chemistry. Science is systematically observing natural events, then using those observations to develop laws and principles. Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour and there are different ways to do this using different psychology theory methods like behaviourist approach, psychodynamic approach, biological approach and many more. The biological approach in psychology believe how we act is not due to what we have learned or how our mind is wired but rather through our genes, for example according …show more content…

A genotype is a set of genetic makeup the genotype of identical twins would be the same. The phenotype is an expression of the genes so for identical twins type can differ. The biological approach also believes that we can develop characteristics from our ancestors like asthma, arthritis, their personality, their likes, and dislikes, our attractions, and also our mental health disorders. According to the Freud’s psychodynamic approach the mind has different levels, the conscious is the part of the mind we are aware of, pre conscious is when your slightly aware, for example when you are trying to say something that you have forgotten and it is on the tip of your tongue, and the unconscious which is our drives and instincts we are unaware of like survival guides which are locked away in our mind and forgotten, the ego is the reality check principle it tries to …show more content…

Your defence mechanisms lay in your unconscious they protect you and your ego against things that unpleasant. The different types of mechanisms are repression, denial and displacement, repression is when you have an unpleasant thought it would affect your ego and would go into the unconscious mind. Denial is refusing to acknowledge bad things that you have done. Displacement is thoughts that you think are unnatural for example wanting to punch someone in the face but you ignore the thought because you can't punch people in the face because it is illegal. Another one of Freud’s theory's is the psycho sexual stages, he believed that development and childhood had a big role to play on who we end up being as an adult, Freud’s placed a large emphasis on the role of sex in general life and as well in development, he said as we grow up we develop and we change and he put that in terms of sexual development he said even from a very young age we are aware of sex we are aware of the big role it plays in and can be linked back to the id like sexual desires, he says there are different parts of sex and they come in different ages the first being the oral stage like

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