
Psychology Personal Statement

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Attending Rowan University has given me many opportunities to explore psychology and gain a clear understanding of it. Classes such as Adolescence Development, Lifespan Development, Abnormal Psychology, and Research Methods in Psychology have helped me expand and apply my knowledge to the real world. These classes have been extremely enjoyable, and I have maintained a high average that has gotten me onto the Dean’s List for two years. Classes such as Cultural Anthropology, Social Problems, and Gender and Women Studies have helped me broaden my views as well as expand my empathy and understanding for different cultures. Major depression runs in most of my family. I have watched and observed what it has done to my mother as well as myself. Although is has been difficult, this mental illness has guided me to where I am today, making me passionate about helping others who suffer from mental illness. This has made me strive to …show more content…

Animals and people have profound connection that I believe helps people cope in a way therapy cannot provide on it own. Looking at psychology, I notice that it most benefits people when it is applied to other information we already know. It’s clear that animals help children with autism, connecting to them in a way no person can. It is my goal to have a private practice in therapy where people come in and interact with animals, alongside therapy, to feel this meaningful connection to another life. My entire life I have made an effort to be genuine to myself. This meant never being a follower and embracing leadership, and all the responsibility that comes with it. To me, being a leader means working with others to collaborate ideas in a progressive way. I have used these skills in group projects to maintain an open conversation and one that promotes divergent thinking. Finding the best solutions is always a main

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