Ptosis Surgery Research Paper

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Ptosis Surgery – Droopy Eyes Treatment (Blog dated: January 14th, 2014) The falling or drooping of upper or lower eyelid is called ptosis. One of the reasons for drooping is being awake for a long time. This is sometimes known as ‘lazy eye’. In this case, the individual’s ocular muscles are tired. ‘Amblyopia’ (lazy eye) and ‘Astigmatism’ would be resultant factors if the drooping is not treated on time and becomes severe. If the problem is detected when a person is young it should be treated immediately, making it a preventive measure against ptosis worsening when the person gets older. Causes & Risk factors: The muscles (levator and superior tarsal muscle) are responsible for elevating the eyelid. When they fail to perform their duty, ptosis …show more content…

However, because we live in a society where the symmetry of one’s eyelids is important. Because when we talk to someone we look them directly in the eye. If there is even a mm’s difference in the height of one’s upper eyelid, they will not look good neither will their appearance be symmetrical. It is very important that one goes to a oculoplastic surgeon who is well-trained and understands the technicalities of ptosis surgery. The surgeons should also understand the importance of eyelid cosmesis. Ptosis can be easily corrected with surgery where the levator muscle is tightened to elevate the eyelid. If the levator muscle is too weak, as in the case of congenital and severe ptosis, a “sling” operation is performed. Here, the forehead muscles are enabled to elevate the eyelids to the frontalis (brow) muscle. There are other ways to treat ptosis: which include surgery on the muscle on the inside of the lid (the conjunctival part of the eyelid) in cases of small amounts of ptosis. Testing is done by the surgeon to find out the best possible method of correction for the patient. The aim of ptosis correction is to elevate the eyelid to allow a full field of vision and to achieve symmetry with opposite upper …show more content…

Then stitches are made to tighten the aponeurosis tendon and then the wound is closed up. It is better when this surgery is done under local anaestheisa. This way, as you are awake the surgeon can ask you to open your eyes and judge the best position for your eyelids. All of these stitches are absorbable; and they would drop out on their own after a few weeks. Muller’s Muscle