Pursuing A Career As A Board Of Directors

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Currently, the business environment puts through complex scrutinizing processes on the decisions and actions taken by the board of directors. The burden is on all directors to ensure that legal and regulatory responsibilities are met and that choices taken by the BOD panel are always in the good interests of the company. Being a board member is indeed a strenuous job. Despite of this, many people with good and self-centered intentions are interested to serve as board members. Here are some of the reasons why people with “good intentions” would like to become a board member: Working as a board of directors is an excellent opportunity to grow professionally. The skills developed working as a BOD are greatly respected and valued across the world. In addition, it grants exposure to multiple business sectors like …show more content…

Serving on a board allows us to experience the first-hand operations of an organization at a high-level. We may or may not strive to be a leader of a nonprofit organization but learning about and making decisions on governance, accounting, ethics and legal issues is not something that most of us have the responsibility of doing or have an opportunity to do at our work place. It’s an experience that will truly develop leadership skills and provide us with experience that we wouldn’t otherwise gain at any stage of our career. In contrast to people with self-directed motives for serving on a board of directors, there are many good intentioned people who view it as a great opportunity to make a difference to our community or the organization. Board service gives us a strong voice regarding a charity or trade association’s mission. If we serve on a for-profit board, we will have more say regarding the company’s policies and business practices. If we are looking to give back, board service is a great way to do