Qantas Airlines Case Study

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QANTAS Airlines (QA) a leading airline service provider founded in the year 1920. It was recognized as the second oldest airliner in the world. QA was operating under two brand names QANTAS Airlines and JESTER Airlines. QA airlines offered all kinds of services including domestic services and where as JESTER Airlines offered domestic services. Besides offering airline services, QANTAS Group has been offering various kinds of other services; QANTAS Freight, QANTAS Link, Q-Catering and QANTAS Loyalty. Since its inception, QA pioneered in offering quality airline services. It has won many accolades for achievements and has been recognized as a successful airliner.
Qantas Airlines along with Jetstar serves operates in 58% of Australian domestic markets and 42% of International markets in terms of passenger distribution (Qantas Data Book, 2014). QA offers all classes of services, whereas Jetstar offers low cost domestic services. QA was operating to around 1000 destinations associating with 30 airline partners across the world (Qantas Airlines Strategies, 2012).
Table- I
Revenue Details Qantas Group
Amount of Revenue ($ Million)
Unit 2013-14 2012-13
Qantas Domestic 30 365
Qantas International (- )497 (-)246
Jetstar (-)116 138
Qantas Loyalty 286 260
Qantas Freight 24 36
Source: Qantas Annual Report- 2014, 2013
Despite of having a world-wide reputation and a strong internal management, the performance of QA has on declining phase and during the year 2014, the

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