Qualitative Article Critique: Relationships With Gifted Students

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Liberty University
Qualitative Article Critique
Kathryn Charleston
February 18, 2018

This research study was designed to look at the relationships that school counselors have with academically gifted students. The article mentions that there have not been many studies on how gifted students work with counselors at school or what effect that has on the motivation and achievement of those students. This article is a qualitative study to look deeper into the knowledge that school counselors have developed on gifted students. According to Susannah M. Wood, there are 8 major themes discussed in this article and they include the counseling relationship, the counselors experience with the characteristics …show more content…

This study was designed to look at the experiences of school counselors with gifted students, and determine the services they offer them, the knowledge that the counselors have of the gifted students and what types of training are required to work with these students.
This study is a phenomenological qualitative study and is based on the interpretive tradition in which the researcher would study life as it is and to look at things the way they are by highlighting information that may help bring understanding and meaning to the subject. The phenomenological approach is based on how people make sense of experiences like memories, feelings, judgments, and discussion with other …show more content…

Wood concluded in her research that school counselors were not all properly being trained to work with gifted students like they should be. She also found that “school counselors should be prepared to explore several outgrowths of gifted students’ interaction with the learning environment. Examination of the educational “fit,” discovery of individual values, and optimal learning and work environments can be facilitated through individual and group work” (Wood 297). The last of Wood’s findings argued that there should be more research into the school counseling services provided for academically gifted