
Qualitative Research Proposal On Disaster Risk Assessment

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Students are the assets of any community and it is the mutual responsibility of government and institutions’ administration to provide them with resilient infrastructures having amplified emphasis on safety. The purpose of this study was to recognize students’ apprehensions regarding disaster management plans and emergency awareness strategies at institutions for resiliency. Qualitative research design was applied to carry out the study so as to determine the disaster risk reduction (DRA), and disaster risk assessment (DRA) from students’ perception. The case study method was used to determine for resilient infrastructure of educational institutions. Data was collected through purposeful sampling method and open-ended interview questionnaire to carry out the study in a qualitative setting. For the analysis of the study, data was coded through inductive analysis and emerging themes were presumed. The conclusion was drawn on the findings of the data analysis eventually leading towards recommendations from the researcher on the basis of internationally recommended building codes and guidelines for resiliency.
Key Words: Disaster risk reduction, disaster risk assessment, resiliency
Planning, preparedness, prevention, mitigation, response and recovery - all lead towards resilience through an in-depth and unique perception of disaster risk management, reduction and assessment. The success of whole phenomena is reliant upon both emergency responders and those

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