Qualities Of Odysseus As A Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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Mostly everyone knows Odysseus, but some people might consider him a hero, while others might not. Odysseus can either be seen as a hero or as a regular person, but there is one clear answer. Odysseus is a hero. Throughout Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus illustrates three main qualities: wisdom, bravery, and leadership. Throughout the novel, Odysseus portrays wisdom through his words and actions. First, the quote from the cyclops says, “Out of the cave the mammoth Polyphemus roared in answer: ‘Nohbdy, Nohbdy’s tricked me. Nohbdy’s ruined me!’” (Homer 993) Odysseus has said his name was Nohbdy, and the cyclops thought that was his name. Then, after Odysseus stabbed the cyclop’s eye out, the cyclops told everybody that Nohbdy’s tricked him, and other cyclops thought that meant that nobody did anything to him. Next, the author also puts in this quote, “Straight forward they sprinted, lifted …show more content…

The author states, “I tied them silently together, twining chords of willow from the ogre’s bed; then slung a man under each middle one to ride there safely, shielded left and right.” (Homer 992) This shows how Odysseus was a leader because he led all of his men and put them in between the sheep, so that they would be able to leave the cyclops cave safely. Additionally, the author states in “The Sirens”, “I carved a massive cake of beeswax into bits and rolled them in my hands until they softened. I carried wax along the line, and laid it thick on their ears.” (Homer 995) This quote shows that Odysseus made ear plugs when going to the land of the sirens for his men. He did this because if his men heard the sirens' songs, they would want to go investigate it and they would fall in love with the tunes. So, by odysseus covering their ears in beeswax, he saved most of their lives. This is how Odysseus resembles the leadership, and that trait makes him a