Quality Infection Control Essay

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Quality Infection Control is a method used to prevent infections and reduce the spread of infection especially in hospital, human or animal health care facilities. The purpose of quality infection control is to reduce the incidence of infections.

Pseudomonas is a gram-negative rode-shaped bacteria. It is an aerobic and actively motile bacteria. The most common species is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.aeruginosa.) is widely distributed in nature, and it is typically found in moist environments including hospitals. We can also found it in water and soil. P.aeruginosa can presents in small numbers in gut and skin as normal flora, but it can cause different types of infection wither in humans, animals ,or plants.

It is primarily nosocomial pathogen and opportunistic bacteria, especially in immunocompromised patients. …show more content…

It is resistant to three or more categories of antipseudomonal antibiotic. For example, Fluoroquinolones (FQ) is a drug used to treat P.aerginosa, but now this fluoroquinolones is resistant due to increase usage of fluoroquinoloes. Most of MDR pseudomonas is resistant to fluoroquinolones.

It is important to do the susceptibility test for P.aeruginosa to determine the appropriate treatment for the patients. P.aeruginosa can by treated by combination of antibiotics. It is very effective in patients with acute P.aeruginosa. In burn patients, topical therapy with antimicrobial agents coupled with surgical debridement has markedly reduced sepsis.
The best way to control and prevent the spread of infection is cleaning and disinfecting medical equipment. Patients should isolated. When dealing with patients, doctor or nurse must use personal protective equipment to prevent infection.

In conclusion, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most dangerous bacterial outbreak that hospital must be aware about how to deal with

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