Quantum SHIFT: A Testimony Made Possible By The Book Of Mormon

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TESTIMONY TO THE 21ST CENTURY (Written in first resurrection 2015) A testimony made possible by The Book of Mormon which comes by the power of the Holy Ghost – MORONI Chapter 10 __________________________________________________________________ QUANTUM SHIFT – A STATEMENT As the future gets more complex with geo-political threats, globalization, new research and innovation, traditional thinking and practices will require transformation. Understanding the implications of such a “Quantum Shift” will require understanding quantum reality. _________________________________________________________________ Second Nephi Chapter 32 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost-Men must pray and gain knowledge for themselves from The Holy Ghost. – Self Knowledge. Lord wants us to prepare to …show more content…

In this time we are all being constantly tested by the Lord. Going forward such tests will be more subtle because of the shift and as the lines between good and evil are being eroded. Our choices are often a result of our disillusion, because of our association with what is around us, which distorts reality. This makes us extremely vulnerable to uncertainty. How we condition and apply our conscious and mind will determine the choices we make. Advanced choices will result in shaping a faster future. On the contrary our unwillingness to transform and taking the time in our commitment to eternal truths and covenants will lead to spiritual blindness. This will put our civilizations behind time and space. It is in this era we must preserve and advance the sanctity of our civilizations. First Nephi chapter 12 Second Nephi chapter 32 Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock wherefore ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the