Racism Is A Moral Issue Essay

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According to ThinkCo website, 88 percent of children experienced racial discrimination, which leads to low self-esteem. The moral issue I chose is racism, which is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Mostly, minorities like Africans, Indians, or Asians are usually the victims of racism. This issue frequently happen in most places in the world no matter where the people are located. Racism is a moral issue because no matter who experiences racism, they can be depressed and lose self-esteem. This moral issue happens naturally if there are clear division of races, and people who are really racists.Three of the top ranked world wide spread …show more content…

Christians do not agree to racism because we are children of God, and Adam. In Acts chapter 17, it says, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to like on all the face of the earth, having determined alloted periods and the boundaries if their dwelling places.”(26) From Adam and Eve, children descended generations and generations, the family tree rooted down deeply to many centuries, to all of us we have the same first ancestors. Also, we all have the same red blood, sins, and Jesus forgave all the sins through crucifixion on the cross. We have so many things in common and Christian churches do not understand why we judge differently of how we look even though we have so many similarities . Buddhists are opposed to racism not because injuring others will be not good, nor, it will be good. Form the Dhammapada, Buddha said, “He who harms living things is, for that reason, not an Ariya(a Noble One); he who does not harm any other living things is called an Ariya.”(270) While residing at Jetavana monastery, Buddha spoke this quote, with reference to a fisherman named Ariya. Buddha does not like human beings who hurt other living beings, physically and also emotionally. Buddhists try to follow what Buddha tells to his disciples. They are obeying his teachings, not to hurt other physical bodies and feelings by saying bad things about skin colour. It is one of the ways to achieve nirvana, the end of the cycle of rebirth. Catholic churches do not have different views than disagreeing to racism because God wants us to treat each other as we want to be treated nicely. Jesus said the following quote in Luke Chapter 6, in the context of loving our enemies and doing good to those that hate us: “And as you wish that

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