Ralph Waldo Emerson's Greatest Accomplishments

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Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” This quote mean being yourself is an accomplishment. Emerson's statement is true because you have self confidence, it's convenient, and you get rewarded. First and foremost, being yourself lets you gain confidence. In other words you respect yourself, accept who you are, and trust in your abilities. For example, when you were a young middle school student, did you ever try to fit in and blend in with others? Well in my middle school years, I did. I never revealed who I was, my name, and I tried to hide my identity. When I went up to high school, I noticed that people who I thought were my “friends” had left. Throughout the year I was a quiet shy girl, but that was ok. That year I made friends who were like me, all quiet. It made me realize it's ok to be yourself. …show more content…

A better explanation, if you are decide to be you, something good will outcome. To prove the point, a friend and yourself are about to start the school day. Neither of you want to enter school or have the feeling to it. She suggests to skip with two other students. You are a honor roll student who does not get in trouble often. A side of you wants to go with them, however your mind is telling you to stay at school instead of getting caught. They decide to leave and you stay. One hour goes by and you hear the three names of your friends through the intercom. It turns out someone told the teacher they saw them earlier but did not know where they have went. All three get sentenced to in school suspension for a whole week. Being a good kid and being you, you didn't get in trouble for making the right