Reasons For The JFK Assassination

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirty-fifth president, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 (“1963 John F. Kennedy Assassinated”). The assassination took place at twelve thirty pm, during a motorcade, in Dallas, Texas (“The JFK Assassination”). Kennedy, along with Jacqueline Kennedy and Governor Connally, were riding through Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, when the shots were fired (“The JFK Assassination”). Kennedy was first shot in the back of the neck and then another time in the back of the head from the sixth floor of the Book Depository Building (“An Introduction to the JFK Assassination”). Governor Connally was also hit but his injuries were not fatal (Kaplan 102). The man responsible for the Kennedy assassination is Lee Harvey Oswald (“The JFK Assassination”). The assassination of John F. Kennedy was both devastating and unexpected; furthermore, many people believe that conspiracy theories are tied in with this tragic event because of the odd events that took place. …show more content…

Kennedy Assassination Fast Facts”). The presidential oath for Lyndon Johnson took place on the Air force One, while sitting on the runway of Dallas Love Field Airport. It happened so quickly after the assassination, that Jacqueline Kennedy was still wearing the clothes stained with her husband’s blood (“1963 John F. Kennedy Assassinated”). The day after the assassination, November 23,1963, was declared to be the national mourning day for Kennedy (“1963 John F. Kennedy Assassinated”). On this day thousands of people stood out in the streets of Washington to watch a horse drawn caisson take the former presidents body from the capitol, Rotunda, to St. Matthews Catholic Cathedral. Kennedy’s body was buried with military honors on a slope below Arlington House; furthermore, leaders from ninety-nine different nations came to witness the funeral (“1963 John F. Kennedy