
Reasons To Prematurely Stop The Counseling Process

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The culture and the Counseling Process have four reasons that client may prematurely stop the counseling process. First some diverse clients may have different value systems. They prefer privacy and may not be open to share personal information because of their beliefs. Many clients may be from other countries and practice beliefs that a foreign to Americans. Therefore, those clients chose to limit discussions of issues that they view as in appropriate. So, diverse client place faith among their own close net community and families of like norms.
Second, clients of diverse populations may view psychological issues in a negative manner. They are uncertain about having mental issues and their culture may become embarrassed to need counseling. They may lead to termination of the counseling sessions. Client in this situation may prefer to just stay close to the family and discuss those personal …show more content…

Diverse clients are suspicious about sharing issues with a counselor of a different culture. Clients fear that their issue may not be properly defined with a counselor who may not be completely trained in the client social class. Some counselors may not be aware of his or her preconceptions about culturally diverse clients. Culturally diverse clients may stop the counseling process because of fear that the counselor has predisposition about them.
Fourth, counseling may not be local to diverse clients. Non-English speaking clients often can’t afford counseling. Their socioeconomic classes are often in lower income communities which are further away from centers that offer counseling. Therefore, don’t receive counseling completely. Minorities are often left out of the opportunities for counseling because unreachability. Unmet counseling needs of the diverse client are because of unavailability. The unaffordability leads to less met mental health needs to the diverse

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