Rebuttal On Abortion

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Rebuttal on Abortion Pro-choice advocates’ claim that they have a right to choose is based on the questionable assumption that children are not alive inside the womb and that abortions are not a form of murder. This debate over when human life really begins is a major factor that shapes the controversy over abortion. While many believe that human life does not begin until the child takes its first breath outside of the woman’s body, there are more that debate over quickening versus conception. Quickening is the movement of the fetus inside the mother during the second trimester of pregnancy (American Pregnancy Association, 2016). With the belief that life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg, this means that life and development begins …show more content…

From its legalization in Roe v. Wade, to the riots and debates today, abortion has created a name for itself. With opposing sides, it is one of the most highly debated topics in the world. As a pro-life supporter, the belief that all human life is sacred and all lives should be protected is held strongly. Human life begins at conception, and should not be interrupted or ended because of a woman’s belief that they have a right to choose. Pro-choice supporters believe that abortion is a form of birth control, and that it can easily fix mistakes when proper precautionary steps were not taken. They see the fetus as a piece of tissue, much less a human life. Within the Bible, there are many verses and concepts that point to the sanctity of human life, and how we were created by God in his image. Everyone was created in the womb by God, and all humans should be protected and loved, not killed. Abortion is a form of murder that is glorified and even encouraged with today’s culture. Many medical offices make money off of this form of murder. Abortion has already been shown to be an evil and corrupt form of contraception by photos and real life stories that have surfaced. Because of the sanctity of human life, abortion should be illegal in all 50 states. If abortion is not made illegal, millions of abortions will continue to take place, resulting in the loss of millions of lives. If murder is morally wrong, the age of the victim should not matter. With the mindset that all lives matter, and the belief that all lives are sacred, the preborn should be protected by this philosophy, not excluded from