Reconceptualizing Deterrence Theory Analysis

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Stafford and Warr discussed Reconceptualizing Deterrence Theory. This theory was more so concerned with experience of punishment, and punishment avoidance. Staff and War theory argues that individuals have both indirect and direct experience with punishment as well. Examples these four factors are; direct also call specific deterrence with punishment would be when and individual is punished for robbing a bank and they indeed robbed the bank. Indirect experience with punishment, is also called general deterrence is when an individual is aware of others who are punished for the crime they have committed. Next would be specific deterrence which is also called direct experience with punishment. This type of punishment is when an individual has …show more content…

This theory argued that a persons physical and social environment are responsible for the behavioral choice he or she makes. Social Disorganization Theory correlated that criminal behavior is depending on the neighborhood structure and culture states. For example smaller neighborhoods living in poverty, disadvantage with little to no resources tend to have increased youth violence, and crime. This theory is not intending for all types of crime, but more so community and street crimes. The relationship between the neighborhood and crime correlates because the theory is to prove that these lower class and poverty enriched neighborhoods predict these youths future. The resident that are living in these neighborhoods will shape who a person will become in the future. So the average youth from these poverty neighborhoods see a lot of criminal activity throughout their youth they are more likely to be involved in it. The results from this theory suggest that crimes is usually present in areas in a city where social, cultural and economic hardship. In my opinion I feel the relationship between neighborhood and crimes are direct. The feel the relation is direct because its is not just any type of neighborhood that induces youth violence it is a specific type of neighborhood. The focus was on a specific type of neighborhood that has a social, cultural and …show more content…

Their study was complimentary because it confronted the argument of the theory not being rightfully tested. Stated in Researching theories of crime and deviance “... findings was important because it verified for the first time that the structural factors themselves don’t influence crime, rather they are important only in as much as they produce social disorganization” (p.91) Sampson and Wilson came to conclusion that structural and culture social isolation increase crime due to racial discrimination. For example African American had not to many choices but to move to some of these poverty enriched neighborhoods.Within these isolated neighborhoods it was hard for one to avoid violence that erupted. They did not approve crime or violent behaviors but had no choice to live in it. Structure and cultural interact in many ways to create the conditions of crime for example when immigrants or even African American having to move into poverty, and these neighborhoods have little resources, or social contact, that is when the structural of the neighborhood and culture interact to create crime. The theory was creates to decrease the racial discrimination in housing on African American’s. Also what structural conditions influence the culture community. Within these isolated neighborhoods it was hard for one to avoid violence that erupted. They did not approve crime or violent behaviors but had no choice to live in

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