Recovery Case Study: 12-Term Recovery

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Case Study Robbie J., a 19-year-old white male and first-year college student, suffered a significant brain injury 6 months ago as a result of a car accident. Robbie had been partying at a friend's house and left about 1:00 a. m. Driving home, he missed a curve in the road and rolled his car. Robbie's parents knew that their son drank "occasionally," but they never thought he had a "problem." They had purchased a car for him and warned him of the dangers of drinking and driving. Prior to the accident, Robbie had been a gregarious young man. In high school he had been a good student, popular, and played on the football team. Robbie loved skiing, skin diving, and riding dirt bikes. Robbie's rehabilitation has been arduous. His parents are still …show more content…

These programs can be found throughout the community, and only requires that one truly desire to stop their addiction behavior. Participation in these programs can be the key needed to maintain long-term recovery. Research has shown that those who participate in twelve-step self help groups typically have better recovery outcomes than those who do not participate (Moos & Timko, …show more content…

It is a very good option for someone who has a true desire to end their addiction behavior, but has no real support system. They may have the support of their family and a few friends, but they no one who shares in their story, or who knows how it feels to want to drink or do drugs when the stress of life gets to be too much. Twelve-step programs present several ethical and legal issues that present challenges to the treatment. These self help groups are anonymous and are not suppose to be discussed outside of the group setting, discussing things outside the group can present privacy issues; therefore, members must pledge secrecy to what is discussed during AA meetings (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). Many people participate in AA because they feel at liberty to openly speak about their life as a substance abuser and their road to recovery. If there was no privacy/secrecy of meetings, people would likely be more reluctant to participate. The twelve-step program makes many references to God and/or a higher spiritual power helping one’s willpower to abstinence which can cause issues with people individuals who are not spiritual or religious (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). This could cause issues of them feeling as though the group is forcing religion