Reflection On My Internal Review Board

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When you are on the journey of a lifetime, it is often a difficult task to see how far you have travelled, instead focusing on how far you have left to go. I am reminded of that every moment of this summer semester, for just when I think that I have done a plethora of work, I realize there is much left to do, much left to learn.
Working on my Internal Review Board (IRB) submission for Arizona State University and Phoenix Children’s Hospital has been quite a learning process. I would pour over my computer for hours creating this never-ending document. Finally, when I thought that I had nothing more to add, nothing more to change, I would hit send and patiently await the feedback. My mentor is an incredibly talented, well-read, highly accomplished woman, whom I look up to in amazement every day. When I receive my IRB proposal back, I was always …show more content…

This learning theory’s underlying premise is that the learning cannot perform two actions, thinking and feeling, on the same axis at the same time. Within Kolb’s learning theory are four distinct learner types, diverging, assimilating, converging, and accommodating (McLeod, 2013). When examining the defining characteristics of each of these learning types, I have discerned that I am closest aligned with the diverging type, as I often look at things from different perspectives, and do well with brainstorming activities. Other characteristics of the diverging learning type include having a strong interest in people, being more imaginative and emotional, listening with an open mind to feedback (McLeod, 2017). I find that I am most engaged when a professor provides thoughtful