Clinical Reflection Paper

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The purpose of the second part of this assignment is to discuss and critically reflect on the use of psychosocial interventions with a client that the author has worked with on clinical placement, using relevant literature to support the assignment. For the purposes of reflection the author has used Gibbs (1998) reflection cycle to act as a guide through the process of reflection. The cycle itself consists of six stages to aid in the reflecting process, these phases include a description of what happened, feelings that were felt during the experience, an evaluation of the experience, an analysis, conclusions that can be drawn from the incident and an action plan that can be based on the conclusions of the incident that will help when a similar situation arises in the future. Wilding (2008) believes that the cycle can be adapted to all situations that a nurse may face to help make sense of a situation or crisis. Fejes (2008) believes that the process of reflection is used to scrutinize one’s self so that …show more content…

According to Brown et al (2012, P.800) “the Beck Depression Inventory is a self-report instrument with large use in clinical and epidemiological studies to assess depressive symptoms”. The BDI uses a series of questions scored zero to three, which help diagnose depression into four categories including minimal, mild, moderate and severe. Paul’s score on the BDI was 27, meaning that he was most likely suffering from moderate depression. However, this score was very close to 29 which, according to the scale if a score reaches 29 or over then the depression is considered severe. So his state of depression, although technically moderate was worrying as it was at the higher end of moderate depression on the