Reflective Role In Nursing

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The last course of semester, senior electives. This last course with big responsibilities towards my professional life as this course give the opportunity to work as leader and take the things in border aspect and bring new change in myself as well as towards job responsibilities’ I learn many new things from it, that now I started to think in different way as before I don’t reflect my act or other unusual thing happened around me but this course enhance my leader qualities and also facilitate me to find innovate way towards my career. According to (Epstein and Hundert2002; Levin Wright 2008)’ reflection practice is just any case where a person think critically about an action, thinking or practice and this thinking help to boost of self awareness …show more content…

Later during discussion with the team to rule out the reason of Brady arrest, patient history was reviewed. Through that I came to know that patient came with the complain of chest pain and SOB in ER .Initially angina protocol was conducted and patient was diagnosed with NSTEMI according to the 2010 AHA guide line .After initial diagnostic procedure and after initial management, patient was shifted to CCU for further management .while reviewing patient 24 hours condition .I was identified that in routine ECG .There was ST elevations in inferior leads that is T wave inversion in leads 2 ,3 and AVF .This change in ECG was missed by both the bedside nurse as well as on call doctors team .this negligence led to Brady arrest and ultimately the loss of life …show more content…

the ECG was done, medication given, blood sample send of cardiac enzymes according to the timing .but there was a big carelessness was happened that assigned staff done the ECG for sake of doing without interpretation that there was a big change in ECG from ER .There was ECG changes in inferior leads that ids ST elevation in AVF ,lead 2 and 3.according to (Mohammed Almansori, 2010)inferior wall MI caused by right coronary artery lesions in 80%of cases .when RCA occluded it involve right ventricle involve .if right ventricle involved it cause hemodynamic instability and further possibility it will increase of death, cardiogenic shock and arrhythmias .so not bedside nurse was careless but here doctor was equally show their negligence that intentionally or not the ECG was missed to interpreted. The result patient went into Brady arrest which was the complication of inferior wall MI .The time ST elevation was passed away that according to (AHA guideline 2010) that ST elevation MI should move to cathlab within 90 minutes of occurrence of ST elevation this crucial time was missed by the mistake of doctor and nurse the patient went into Brady arrhythmia and finally loss his life because of the severe complication of inferior wall