Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men

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According to “” Twelve Angry Men was based off of a true jury experience, where the writer Reginald Rose was on a jury where he noticed the intense drama in the jury room. Later he based Twelve Angry Men on the realization drama can happen in the jury room. Twelve Angry Men is a story where 12 men on a jury have to decide whether a boy is guilty of first degree murder. At the beginning all but one juror votes guilty. Throughout the story there are heated discussions between the jurors, and that leads to many jurors switching their votes, formed alliances between the jurors, and making the case personal. After hours of deliberation the jury decides the boy is not guilty, all throughout the story 1 juror stands out from the rest. …show more content…

Juror Three is an angry, frustrated and a small minded person that wants this kid to be punished for the sole reason that 3’s own kid beat him and ran away, so three is a very hateful person to the kid on trial even though he doesn’t even know him. The vote is 11-1 in favor of not guilty, three is the only juror to vote not guilty, and he is persistent with the facts that the other jurors have proved could be false, so in a rant he yells at the jurors that they are wrong and the kid is guilty, until eight says something that makes him change in an instant. Juror Three states, “That goddamn rotten kid. I know him. What they're like. What they do to you. How they kill you every day. My God, don't you see? How come I'm the only one who sees?”(72). Juror Eight states, “It's not your boy. He's somebody else’’(72). Juror Three states, “ Not guilty”(72). three clearly thinks the kid is guilty, he also says some racist marks toward the kid, who he clearly hates with a passion, all because his own son was not good. However 8 says how it isn’t his child who he is making the decision off of, and that makes 3 realize what he was doing so he changed his