Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

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Oh, noble prince of the seas, I can be tellin' ye everythin' 'bout th' tradagy that occurred her, 'tis deadly saber skirmish. Tybalt killed ye relative, buccaneer Mercutio.
Benvolio, who started this skirmish?
Tybalt started th' saber skirmish. Romeo spoke to Tybalt nicely 'n told him how childish 'tis argument was. He said that ye would not like th' saber skirmish. He said all 'o 'tis calmly, kneelin' below out 'o respect for the Capulets. But he could not make any peace wit' Tybalt, who was in ‘n stormin’ mood 'n wouldn’t listen 'bout peace. Tybalt 'n Mercutio began to saber fight each other, fueled by rage, lungin' 'n dodgin' each other. Romeo cried out, “Stop, me buckos. Break up this cursed fight.” Then he stepped in between