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Is rape culture a myth research paper
Effects of sexual assault on campuses
Is rape culture a myth research paper
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Court’s Opinion: The crime of rape is defined as follows: § 3121. Rape A person commits a felony of the first degree when he engages in sexual intercourse with another person not one’s spouse: (1) by forcible compulsion; (2) by threat of forcible compulsion that would prevent resistance by a person of reasonable resolution; (3) who is unconscious; or (4) who is so mentally deranged or deficient that such person is incapable of consent. The victim of a rape need not resist.
Did you know Around 11% of college students are sexually assaulted; 23% female and 5.4% male? In America between 2% to 10% of people in prison are innocent people that are falsely accused. “Picking Cotton” by Jennifer Thompson-Cannion and Ronald Cotton. Jennifer Thompson was a college student living off campus in an apartment. One night her apartment got broken into and she was raped at knifepoint.
Nowadays few people realize the value of education. In Andrew Brassksma’s essay,” Some Lessons from the Assembly Line,” describes how a college student understands the value of an education by working as a full-time blue-collar worker during the summer time. Often times, there are people without a proper education who are forced to take unstable and low-paying jobs to support themselves or family. But, many people who have access to education do not realize the privilege it is and often times take it for granted. In Andrew Brassksma’s essay,” Some Lessons from the Assembly Line”, he puts himself on the same level as other blue-collar workers, and this is significance to the author's purpose because he can appreciate his own situation to the
One in five women and one in sixteen men are sexually assaulted while in college. 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police and only about 2 to 10% of reports are found to be false. In Jon Krakauer’s book: Missoula, Rape and the Justice System in a College Town. Krakauer focuses on the many rapes that occur on the college campus in Missoula. Most of the rapes that happen on college campuses are done by men, but to say all men are rapists is unjust and sexist.
One last main cause of many of the rapes on campus is the setting. The way each student behaved changed with were they were located and places such as high-risk parties held an attitude that condoned and even encouraged rape. Boswell and Spade identifying the cause of rape helps reduce the rates by making it so faculties can recognize the issues and propose effective
Rape myths are at the center of the problem of how rape and sexual assault cases are looked at, and treated as in society. Rape myths vary, some excuse the rape, others try to minimize the severity of the situation, while others doubt the act even happened in the first place (Levit and Verchick, 196). Some examples of rape myths include: a victim was “asking for it,” a victim’s previous sexual history, regretful sex is not rape, a woman’s “no” means “yes,” and women lie about rape all the time. Rape myths are targeted towards women, not the rapist. Despite, rape myths being proved false by empirical evidence, they are still prevalent in society.
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town is a in-depth look at the issue of sexual assault on college campuses as told through the stories of students at the University of Montana in Missoula. Through the narratives, author Jon Krakauer ties in statistics and information creating an effective work that stands as emotionally compelling while remaining grounded and applying these stories to the greater problem of sexual assault. It tackles one of the biggest problems surrounding sexual assault in general, the treatment of the accused compared with the treatment of the accuser. Though Missoula focuses on the victims, it does provide much of the necessary background and possible motivations for the assaulters. These insights contribute
Many words come up when thinking of ‘College’, some of which are: learning, independence, goals, party, and freedom; although, that’s not always the case. At residential colleges rape culture has grown tremendously throughout time. In the article, “Mishandling Rape”, written by Jed Rubenfeld completely analyzes and supports the problem of rape in colleges throughout the United States. In this article, he establishes the importance of his argument, the audience he is hoping to speak out to, various logistics, and has a strong ethos appeal which supports his argument.
In an article titled “Sexual assault on campus”, Annie Dickman presents the results of the of the UA’s 2014 Annual Campus Safety, Security and Fire Safety Report, which highlights that the number of forcible sexual offenses reported on main campus has increased significantly from 2011 to 2013 (from 4 cases to 28 cases); Dickman also explains that the UA’s preventive approach consists on educating the student body, raising awareness and encouraging the students to report more, and she identifies the locations at which the forcible sex offenses reported occurred. The purpose of the article is to raise awareness about sexual assault and to inform about the organizations, which the victims can contact to get help. Due to the fact that the article
Throughout this documentary, viewers learn that many sexual assault cases happen on college campuses. However, many of these cases are often ignored by college administrators because universities want to keep rape statistics low and they have an financial incentive to do so. In the film it states that there are less than 8% of men in college that commit more than 90% of sexual assaults. This indicates that because
In their opinion piece published in the New York Times, Miriam Gleckman-Krut and Nicole Bedera, two students from University of Michigan, claim that students being accused of sexual assault on-campus should not be the ones providing the definition of sexual assault because more victims will stay silent. Their article tackles the research question “how does allowing the accused to define sexual assault affect the victim?”. The piece was written in response to Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education, who claimed that former President Obama’s policies on on-campus rape stripped the accused of their liberties because less evidence was required from the victims, who often struggle to create concreate evidence due to trauma or difficulty remembering.
Starting college is already a very scary time for most students, and I want to make the fear of rape
On November 19, 2014, the publication of an arIt was on November 19, 2014 that the publication of an article in the Rolling Stone magazine concerning sexual assault on campus led to two long and complex court cases. The article titled “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” was describing the gang rape of a University of Virginia freshmen identified as “Jackie” perpetrated by fraternity members of the UVA Phi Kappa Psi house. The article also identifies the existence of a certain UVA junior named“Drew” who happens to be the member that invited “Jackie’ at the house. While the two court cases Elias et al v. Rolling Stone LLC and Eramo v. Rolling Stone LLC were linked to this same article and had the same defendants,
It looks scary how vulnerable the survivor can be at the time of assault. However, as long as the matter of violence is associated, the students at college campuses are safer than their non-college mates. Some training and education has been administrated to the students for awareness about the violence and sexual assaults. Even, with increased training and education, most of the college campuses have much longer way to go for decreasing the intensity and number of assaults and the incidents have immense negative impact on the society and people around us.
Rape has been defined as a nonconsensual sexual acts of violence, and for many centuries, it was a widely known phenomenon in the private life and women had to face the repercussions of the violent act without receiving justice and prosecuting her perpetrator. Many years has since passed and in the year 2016, there are Federal Laws such as the 14th and 19th amendment, along with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that ensure the perpetrators are punished and that women are protected however, there are many obstacles in the way of achieving rape law reform like old laws based on misogynistic theories, laws differentiating state by state, unfair treatment by the government and law enforcement that prevent women from fully being protected. Women have