Research On Should Kids Be Able To Have Phones In School

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Should Kids Be Able To Use Phones In School My question to you is, should kids be able to have phones in school? But, many other people think that we shouldn't have phones in school. I think it's because they're jealous that we have technology, and they didn't when they were younger. I think that students should be able to use phones in school for academic reasons. I wanted to talk to you about my reasons that I think we should be able to have phones in school. First I'll start with my second reason, which is that we can use phones as calculators. What would you do if you lost your calculator, and you were at home? Of course, you would use your phone as a calculator, but why can't we do the same thing that we do at home at school? …show more content…

They think that because phones can hold games on them. Many of those games you can play where ever and when ever you want to. That would mean that we could be playing games while we should be doing school work. But I understand completely why teachers wouldn't want phones in school. Because if we started to play games, then we wouldn't be able to get much of our work done. Then it would be harder on the teachers because they would have to worry about that student failing and trying to help them get their grades up. But, I think that it would be the students' fault if they didn't get all of their work done on time. Finally, here is my best reason why we should have phones in school. It is because most of our phones have some sort of search engine like Google. Google, or other search engines, as a main part for the students in school. We could look many things up on it. Most teachers would think that students need to do things without technology and do it with paper and pencil, but come on it's the 21 century lets get with the