Research Paper On Dem Demi Lovato

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The Path
We are all walking down a path. This path symbolizes life. In life we will encounter many different obstacles. We will encounter things that will make us laugh, cry, giggle or hurt and feel like no positive result. But there is always a lesson to be received, you just have to keep walking the path even if you encounter a couple of bumps and cracks along the way. Demi Lovato, musician and actress, kept walking even though her path wasn't perfect. Her story is significant as she shares a condition that over five million adults have in America. That is bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes shifts in a person’s energy, mood and ability to function (NIH,2005). Demi didn't realize she had bipolar disorder until she went to get treatment for other possible conditions. She stated in an interview for MTV documentary, “Looking back it makes sense. There were times when I was so manic, I was writing seven songs in one night and I'd be up until 5:30 in the morning. '' She used this knowledge and information to make a difference and to help prove that this condition doesn't have to define you. …show more content…

She spoke about topics most celebrities were afraid to address and she let her experience be the beacon for hope. It wasn't easy getting positive results, she has struggled with personal problems throughout her career. In an interview she talked about being in treatment facility and the battle she went through. But she stuck it out and worked harder in those three months than she has in her whole life. "I still have my ups and downs, but I take it one day at a time and I just hope that I can be the best that I can possibly be, not only for myself, but also for young people that are out there today that need someone to look up to. "stated Demi (Brainyqoutes, 2015)

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