If you could spend a year with any real or fictional person from the past, who would you choose and why ?
There are many prodigious and influential leaders recorded in history. If I could spend a year with any person from the past I would choose Malcolm X. He is an infamous civil rights movement activist.He provided his people with comfort and support. Having an opportunity of spending a year with, would take me through many eye opening events and help me understand unfortunate times in depth.
Malcolm X was born on 1925. He grew up during the segregated years. To the white society, the 20’s were the years of fun and technological advances. It was the Jazz age. However, we tend to forget that the Afro-American community was going through the decade of struggle. Malcolm X was a young boy
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His speeches expanded his audience, he brought unity among him and other civil right leaders. He associated his speeches through acts of survivance. People were afraid to speak up for themselves and stand for what was right. Malcolm X gave them a sense of hope.
“Influenced largely by Malcolm, in the summer of 1966 members of SNCC called for black power for black people. Their lack of power was the foundation of Malcolm’s charge that they were denied human rights in America. His clarity on this matter, as America continues its retreat from its commitment to full freedom for his people, has guaranteed for him pride of place among black leaders”(Eric).
Malcolm X was highly influenced by his father. A parent relationship is something that is essential in life. As Malcolm grew up seeing his racial ethnicity being rejected in society and being made les, this complied to the racial injustices occurring today. However being hispanic and being the minority, I can easily understand the huge impact his father had on him. My father has been discriminated before and his advice to me stays and shapes me day after