
Research Paper On Michelangelo Buonarroti

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Though as for him, Michelangelo Buonarroti for us is considered to be the excellent sculptor who showed the world his vocation since young. We cannot leave out the fact that we also think of him as the painter behind the Sistine Chapel decor or the architect that aided in finishing the projects for San Pietro. The height of his career as a painter is probably the Sistine Ceiling. Which is believed to be a compendium of all his previous plastic investigations, representing a new phase in the evolution of the themes of his younger years. Being an original solution and inspiring to dispose on a curved surface a multitude of different motifs and still being able to create a unity. The ultimate message of the Ceiling is the foretelling of redemption by the Prophets and Seers. This promise mirrors the inextinguishable unconscious hope that fired …show more content…

Still underlying every painting it is more than common to find a preparatory sketch or drawing, and it was in this medium that his contemporaries found novelty in his lines. Also even though he learned from Ghirlandaio, Michelangelo used the cross-hatching to describe the plastic form. As D’Hollanda states in his dialogues, Michelangelo is believed to have said that the science of drawing or of the line is the principle of painting, sculpture, architecture and other forms, as well as every scientific expression. Meaning that all other arts are the drawing itself or a branch that developed from it. This way it is easier in relating the sculpture to the significance of drawing, as Michelangelo during his life varied in his way of preparing for the carving of the stone. Therefor some critics believe that in the Saint Matthew there is a close relation of full round sculpture to drawing that is clear. Paralleling the non finito to the superfluous lines that we can find in a

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