
Research Paper On Mississippi Burning

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An individual starts learning about history around the 7th grade and gets deeper in 8th grade. In 7th grade you learn Global History, which entails notes and stories about the Vietnam War and World War II. In 8th grade you learn American History, which also entails notes and stories but about slavery, L(l)aws, colonialism, nationalism, peace and war, slavery and etc. Four examples that were brought about during class included the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Jim Crow laws, and the African American Civil Rights Movement which ran from about the 1600’s-1900’s. My paper will consist of the different events throughout history to show how racism and segregation was fought against to give justice to African Americans and their right to vote during these time periods while incorporating the Labeling and Differential Associations Theories. One …show more content…

Mississippi Burning was a film taken in 1988. Keep in mind lynchings and burning had occurred prior to this year. The film consisted of two FBI agents investigating the disappearance of two civil rights activists and an African American male. There had been two white men helping an African American male. The sheriffs from the county had followed and tailgated them until they ran them off the road and shot them point blank in the head. The film showed these white men part of the Ku Klux Klan, lynching African American males and burning their homes. After watching this film, you are able to examine the inequality and the lives of those who experienced all of this. Nonetheless, can you believe that the sheriff’s county would shoot two civil rights activists and an African American male because he wanted to go and vote. These are supposed to be our protectors who serve us, but they were out there killing African Americans. It is pretty much like today, however, police officers tend to have a better

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