Research Paper On The Great Gatsby

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Literature is something that is meant to be shared and discussed, not something that should be forgotten and tucked away. Many pieces of classic texts are still prominent in today’s society, making them essential for people to read. From romance to nonfiction, there is always something to learn about from books.There should be specific texts that all students in high school English should read due to exposure to new cultures and ideas, plus students are able to discuss and participate in class more. Culture is something that should be shared, so society as a whole can learn about it. It is especially important for children to learn to be accepting of new ideas. Students in high school should widely respect different lifestyles and learn to …show more content…

However, the use of certain texts in high school English can increase participation. It can also create debates that stimulate new thoughts and ideas. Source B is a table that demonstrates different educational institutions' use of different texts in school, as well as percentages of how much they are used in these schools. Although public and independent schools are listed separately, ultimately the texts listed in the table represent the same ideas of what books are typically assigned to read in schools. One book listed on the table is “The Great Gatsby,” where the green light in the text is often interpreted in different ways. Some may interpret the light as a representation of money and greed, while others might argue that it represents loss and sadness. A teacher can open the floor of the classroom to discussion, leading to engaging conversations on what an author is trying to symbolize with their text, just like “The Great Gatsby” and the green light. The use of thought provoking specified texts in high school English classes can create deep and meaningful conversations that can ultimately make students understand the text better. Source C (Greer) highlights how certain texts can create controversial debates that stimulate thoughts and participation. The example that was provided was how a certain book was left out of an anthology due to its intense sexual nature. The discussion of the text eventually led to a debate over if it was “appropriate.” Debates often lead to new ideas being shared, and it can also lead to new opinions on different topics. Although debates can be seen as intense, high schoolers are allowed the chance to voice their opinions on certain topics.Picking a specific chosen book to talk about during English class leads to healthy discussion of what each student has read and how they interpreted it. The use of certain shared texts in high school English