This review sets to discuss the Ted Talks (2014) Video ´How not to be ignorant about the world´, by Hans and Ola Rosling and how the content relates to entering into a foreign market. According to Hans and Oal Rosling, (2014), none of us think we are ignorant but most of us are wrong because of evolutionary roots, such as intuition which has been in existence long before science, statistics and physical verifiable evidence. They said every person understands the world from their experience and memory and tend to ignore mounds of evidence they do not notice. This fact was evidenced by Hans and Rosling in the talks around the world with various groups of society and referred to these statistics as the chimps. This proved that an outside evaluator has a better chance of answering correctly questions of circumstances they had …show more content…
Well, Rosling has developed a few rules of thumb which generally apply (and of course have few exceptions). These rules of thumb according to Rosling are; 1. Most things improve, and are not “getting worse” as most of us believe based on our intuition though not applicable to our current environmental situation. 2. The gap between rich and poor is not widening: most people are in the middle, however, the gap between the top tier, super rich and the huge hump in the middle is widening. 3. First social, then rich. This means that countries do not need to be very rich to have social programs or provide education to children, as this investment tend to lead nations to financial success. Despite the fact that most people think the average women has about 1/3 the education of the average man: this no longer holds true. 4. Dangers are generally overestimated, sharks are a major threat to your survival when you go swimming and the murder rate has increased, but to the contrary sharks are harmless and murders have reduced with the increased ownership of