Review Of My Focus Child: The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle

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My focus child, RJ, is 4 years and 8 months old female. She is African American and speaks English at home and school. RJ and her two siblings are being raised by their single mom that is considered to be living below the poverty line. Limited time is spent with her father due to court ordered visitation. RJ is very energetic, funny, kind and athletic. RJ often plays alone but will interact with peers if it necessary during certain situations. During free play, she often struggles to stay focused on a single task. She will bounce from center to center until the end of play time. I have noticed that when RJ is at the writing center she is able to focus slightly longer than when at any other center. My mentor teacher and I thought it would be a great experience for me to get to know RJ better, and that the one-on-one interaction associated with this project could benefit her. I am interested in learning more about RJ because I want to try to help her find at least one thing she really enjoys, so I can try to help her stay focused a task long enough to complete it. …show more content…

Since I have noticed RJ’s difficulty focusing on a task, I wanted her to choose the book I read to her. I was going to go to the library and find books about the activities or topics she enjoyed, but RJ made it a lot easier for me to pick which book I was going to read to her. The main reason I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to RJ is because every day, multiple times a day, for a whole week, she would ask me to read it to her. It was also the book she would always pick during quiet reading time in the classroom. I felt that if she kept asking for it, she really wanted it to be read to her and she would actively listen to it being read to