
Review Of 'Private Notes Of A Headhunter'

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The main contentions derived from “Private Notes of a Headhunter” revolve around the process of preparing undergraduate and graduate students in landing a professional job and reaching success. The author provides detailed and thorough advice students can utilize to maximize this critical process. By discussing the process of interviewing, the author is able to reach out to students and graduates that lack the skills needed to advance their professional careers further. The author expands on the interview process in depth and covers information that most students are unaware of before and after graduating from college. These are skills that will help students like myself prosper and flourish in the professional world. This book is essential …show more content…

This is important because as interpersonal communication students our focus is learning how to establish and maintain relationships through communicating. “Of the nine soft skills mentioned above, the most important to interviewers, in my experience, are communication skills and creativity” (Heinzel, 2012, p. 47). The book discusses communicating in an interview and learning how to utilize the skills, concepts, and theories we have learned in college. It teaches students how apply these skills in creative ways that will distinguish them from other competitors, ultimately capturing the attention of hiring managers and CEOs. By learning how to stand out in this competitive world we will have an advantage over others. As a student, I always had the perception that when applying for jobs there was no creative aspect to it. After reading the book and understanding what headhunters are actually looking for, it's evident that being creative will benefit us in the long run. “The interviewer is looking for beyond the official job description” (Heinzel, 2012, p. 47). Interviewers are not looking for the minimal requirements, they are looking for someone who has the ability to offer them something more than that. This information is useful to students as they will be able to understand the importance of being out of the ordinary and what …show more content…

In chapter 2, I found the information regarding a support group to be helpful. As the author claims, the active job search and interviewing process can be disheartening. “You will hear the word “no” many times during your working career, no matter how the word is paraphrased” (Heinzel, 2012, p. 20). Facing rejection can put a toll on the active job seeker so having a support group will help individuals get through those difficult times and come back stronger than before. The other strong point I found comes from chapter 4. The author discusses the importance of becoming an effective salesperson of yourself during interviews. This is a great perspective for students because it couldn't be more true. During an interview we are trying to sell ourselves to a company and show them how much we have to offer. Knowing the characteristics and techniques of a successful salesperson will help us land the job we have always wanted. A few other strong points within the book come from the examples and case in points discussed in each chapter. These support the authors arguments as they present real life experiences they have faced in this competitive job market. One shortcoming of the book comes from chapter 8. While the information regarding “What Ifs” is informative and helpful, I wish the author elaborated more on the shy section. I am shy myself and have had a difficult time overcoming it in

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