10 Reasons Women Need Equal Pay Essay

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Men and women are born on Earth in the same fashion. However, according to the article “10 Reasons Women Need Equal Pay, and are Still Fighting for it” by Meghan Werft, women do not receive pay in the same fashion as their male counterparts. This article details how a pay deficit exists between men and women who work duplicate jobs, and the reasons for which women deserve equal pay to their male coworkers. The article also describes how those reasons can benefit economies around the world. Using the literary appeal of logos, the rhetorical device of exposition, and syntactic strategies to establish the tone, Meghan Werft convinces her audience that a wage gap between men and women exists, and that the action of granting equitable pay can also benefit global and local economies. At the beginning of the article “10 Reasons Women Need Equal Pay, and are Still Fighting for it”, Werft uses the literary appeal of logos by providing statistics and facts that unquestionably show a wage gap between men and women continues to plague women globally. Werft provides figures that show “women earn an average of 23% less than male counterparts in the same position, with the same experience” (Werft). Along with figures, Werft uses professionally acquired estimates to show the amount of money, between twelve trillion and twenty-three trillion dollars, that can be added the global gross domestic product if the pay …show more content…

Through the use of the literary device of logos, the rhetorical device of exposition, and syntactic strategies that establish tone, Werft convinces readers that disparity between men and women’s salaries exist, and that the movement to receive equal pay can positively impact economies on a local, national, and global level. The global economy can enter a new era of prosperity with the implementation of pay

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