Rhetorical Analysis Of George W Bush 9/11

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Jaelyn An Mrs. Glass AP Language and Composition 15 March 2024 George W. Bush 9/11 Statement Rhetorical Analysis September 11, 2001. A day Americans will never forget. A day this country will never forget. The world witnessed a pivotal moment in history, one that struck the heart of the United States. On this day, a group of terrorists known as al-Qaeda placed four attacks on the United States, two of which resulted in the destruction of the World Trade Center located in New York City, along with significant damage to the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. Following the attacks, President George W. Bush delivered a statement to a horrified nation. His solemn words reflected the shock and terror of the people, while also responding to combat terrorism and restore …show more content…

Parallelism is a significant strategy in doing so, allowing for a better and unified America. In conclusion, George W. Bush’s 9/11 statement stands as a testament to the power of rhetoric in times of national crisis. Through his strategic use of rhetorical devices such as syntax and parallelism, Bush effectively unifies a mourning nation in the aftermath of tragedy. Bush’s emphasis on justice, freedom, and democracy worked to strengthen the nation’s determination to combat terrorism and rebuild shattered communities. By adopting these rhetorical strategies, Bush not only provided comfort and guidance to traumatized citizens, but also laid the foundation for a unified response that crossed the political spectrum. As history has demonstrated, Bush’s 9/11 address has had a lasting impact, serving as a symbol of national solidarity and endurance in the face of tragedy. Work Cited Bush, George W. "Statement by the President in Address to the Nation." 20 Sept. 2001. White House Archives, georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010911-16.html. Accessed 15