Richard Wright's Essay: Believing And Belonging

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Believing and Belonging Who are we as followers of Christ, where do we begin and He end, and vice versa? From One comes many, and many come to One. Wright (2006) explains Jesus and the Church as follows: “Diversity gives way to unity and unity generates diversity” (p. 200). Christians belong to the body of Christ because we believe and since we believe, we belong. Wright ends this section with a question for the ages: “What is the church for” (p. 200)? A question we should all endeavor to answer.
The Church and Its Purpose Does the Church exist for the individual or does the individual exist for the Church? This is what Wright attempts to answer regarding the Church and its purpose. Wright (2006) asserts that “Mission, in its widest as well as its more focused senses, is what the church is there for” (p. 204). To spread the Good News to the entire world about the One Living God who gave His life so that all may live. However, a person is not ‘born’ into the Church nor can it be inherited through lineage. To be a part of the Body of Christ means taking an active role in the dissemination of His message.
Waking Up to the Good News To be alive in Christ. To be cognizant and fully aware that the Creator allowed his only Son to live and subsequently die for not only your sins, but for the sins of the entire world so that all may …show more content…

However, until that day arrives “every Christian is called to work, at every level of life, for a world in which reconciliation and restoration are put into practice, and so to anticipate that day when God will indeed put everything to rights” (p. 226). This means actively praying when we may feel like taking up arms would be better. Or turning the other cheek so as to disallow evil from further spreading and thus contaminating the world more than it already has. In Jesus’ name and in God’s time, justice will one day be