Unit 1 Assignment 1 Biblical Foundations

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This Biblical Foundation paper will thoroughly examine the existing adaptive leadership and transformational change issues within the ministry context of New Creation African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) in Ft. Washington Maryland. The focus is to make the connection between the stated contextual issues and the questions that were formulated on the topic “Reconciling Spiritual Connectedness: an Adaptive Model to Increase Spiritual Cohesion at New Creation AME Church,” and “What the bible teaches us about the topic of "Reconciling the Brokenhearted to Connectedness?”

The goal of this paper is to discover how God through the Apostle Paul desired to impact the people in Corinth, the Jewish community and the entire world; and how this scripture is still relevant to the context …show more content…

We were created to: Glorify God living according to His word (the Commandments and Precepts) walking upright justified in our relational connection to Him. We are to remain in a salvific state of righteousness, living justly and remaining in connection to God, other humans and the whole of his creation. According to Paul we are also required to grow spiritually striving to become more like God (Christ like) just as we were created in his image and understand Christ sacrifice we too must strive to become one with Christ each day shedding our old self and become a New Creation filled with God’s glory and power. Ps.86:9, Mt 22:37-40; Rom 8:20-21, 29, 11:36: I Cor. 6:20 Col, 3:10 and Rev. 4:11 The Ecclesiology view of Connectedness can be found in the formation of the Church of Christ. True to form no church is similar, although formalized denominationalism would argue that the methodology does create cohesion and connection, Most Christians understand that the church is essentially the Body of Christ or physical manifestation of Jesus’ presence here on