Right To Privacy In Brazil Essay

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Committee: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Topic: Protecting Internet Privacy
Country: Federative Republic of Brazil
The universal declaration of human rights: what we, the United Nations, use as a basis of rights each individual obtains at birth, and what we stand to protect for each individual on Earth. Over time, our ideas of these rights have been cemented into society’s law, making sure individuals obtain the rights they deserve. But as humanity progresses into the future and technology develops, inventions such as the internet start to blur the lines of right and wrong. A new form of cybercrime
(internet crime) is formed relating with even large countries like the U.S.A, China, and even Brazil
itself …show more content…

The standard is set as a minimum quality of protection for citizen’s data, with 1
Cook, James. “The World's 10 Biggest Cybercrime Hotspots in 2016, Ranked.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 14 May 2017.
OHCHR | Right to Privacy in the Digital Age, www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/DigitalAge/Pages/DigitalAgeIndex.aspx.
3 Barbosa, Claudio R, and Pedro Vilhena. “Data Protection in Brazil: Overview.” Practical Law US (New Platform) Signon.
“CONSTITUTION OF BRAZIL.” Brazilian Laws - the Federal Constitution - Individual and Collective Rights and Duties, www.vbrazil.com/government/laws/titleII.html. nations managing their own laws and regulation after that point in order to respect the sovereignty of those nations. This standard can be set with the aid of NGO’s being enlisted to monitor the compliance to regulations and the regulations themselves. Non-compliance can have certain ramifications for private companies such as increased tax, which will go to UNESCO funds to continue protecting internet privacy. NGO’s can also be used to aid in identifying internet crimes as well as an external source of finding new ways to protect internet privacy by offering incentives