Ripon Youth Observation Report

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The Ripon Youth conference was a great experience. I was able to learn about new perspectives from Media and Crime, Unhealthy Relationships and, Human Trafficking. To begin in Media and Crime was my first section. In that section I learn about Fisher's Narrative Theory. The first theory is Fidelity and that is how true dose a story sound to you. The second one is Probability does this story make sense or does it seem likely to happen. The third one is Framing and it's when a writer takes a story from one perspective. In this section I really like how were broken down into groups of 3 or 4 people then student teachers gave us an article to analyze. When analyzing the article we asked questions based on Fisher's Narrative Theory and if the article is a credible source. I also like how …show more content…

I really enjoyed that exercise because I was able to see everyone's perspectives on friendships without knowing who's is who. After that, as a group we discussed what we can do if we find anyone with an unhealthy relationship. For example you can be a friend to fall back on, ask a parent or counselor for help and utilize resources like for more information on relationships. Our third section is Human Trafficking. In this section we talk about ways to prevent Human trafficking happening to us as well as sharing stories from around our area to show importance to this topic. We first started out by taking a survey on what we know. After that we talked how you could identify if someone was human trafficked. Some signs that might single if someone was trafficked are poor physical health, how they appear, if they have no control of money or important documents, if the person is scared of human contact or they work excessively long hours. Then we talked about how to get them out of that situation. The student teachers said don't intervene because you could get hurt or hurt that person more. You should alert authorities, have some way to ID the victim and keep your