Road Rage Research Paper

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road rage- what is the treatment/how effective is it? Elizabeth Tedder | Psychology |04/15/2018 In today’s society, where the vast majority of people drive on a daily basis in order to reach their destinations, it is no wonder that road rage has become a serious issue. In 1997, Vest, Cohen, and Tharp, reported that since 1990, aggressive driving had increased by 51%. Pepper (1997) reported that aggressive driving continues to increase about 7% every year. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, in 1997, reported that since 1990, 218 deaths and 12,610 injuries occurred due to road rage. According to Baron and Byrne (1994), there are two types of aggression, instrumental and hostile. Instrumental aggression while driving includes acts such …show more content…

(2002), suggest that the term road rage “implies specific incidents of anger and aggression intentionally directed at another driver, vehicle, or object,” (p. 271). Road rage varies from mild to extreme forms. Mild forms may include, “verbally expressing anger in unobtrusive ways such as yelling through a closed window, complaining to oneself or to other passengers in the vehicle, or using vehicle signals such as the lights to express frustration,” (p. 272). More extreme forms may include “direct physical assaults with the vehicle or a weapon, or direct confrontation with another driver or passenger with the intent of injury … deliberately tailgating, or cutting another driver off the road … [or the] use of obscene gestures,” (p. …show more content…

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