Robert Frost Research Paper

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Winning not one but two Pulitzer prizes( Frost Robert Lee), Robert managed to Help bring back people's interest in American poetry . He accomplished this by not writing in the modernist style that most poets used in the 1920s. Instead Robert wrote about nature and rural life in a unique yet traditional style where it almost seemed typical to the readers (Robert Frost).Through several poems and many years Robert Frost has managed to create and express certain thoughts. Some that we value and open our eyes up to and others that we may question. There are some that make us laugh and others that make us sad, somehow all related to a certain season, or a road. Maybe it's the road not taken? How has nature influenced Robert Frost’s poems? Beginning his journey as a city boy on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, Robert had lived with his father ( Robert Frost). Robert had graduated from Lawrence High school as not only valedictorian but also class poet ( Robert Lee Frost). He tried several different …show more content…

Because of this during winter months Robert would move to Florida where the weather was warmer (Robert Lee Frost). This impacted Robert’s poetry because by using snow and winter in his writings he was able to express feelings towards certain situations and express his love for cold climates.For example the poem “Dust of Snow”. In this poem Robert writes about a crow which usually means something bad, and how a dust of snow from a hemlock tree had changed his heart/mood. On his last 2 lines he says “And saved some part of a day I had hued” in other words the snow enlightened his day which was not going to well. Because of his health problem he was unable to enjoy the snow but just by seeing it, nature managed to bring him that little bit of happiness and write a whole poem about a dust of snow. Because something so simple can make a huge impact in one's