Robert Mugabe, once a beloved freedom fighter that was to bring liberty and independence to an entire nation and its people. Now, a tyrant and a dictator who has clung to power for more than 30 years and is still showing no sign of letting go. He has ruled the country with an iron fist and anyone who has dared oppose him has been imprisoned, tortured or killed. It is estimated that Mugabe has stolen approximately 10 billion US Dollars from the people of Zimbabwe, most of it coming from the rich diamonds deposits possessed by the country. Zimbabwe, once a wealthy and rich country with a promising future, has been laid to waste by one single man. The main focus of this essay will be to explain and discuss how it is possible for a single person …show more content…
For his actions during this time Robert Mugabe was a political prisoner for more than ten years. Upon his release in 1975 Mugabe rejoined the fight against the sitting government. Four years later, when the Zimbabwe war of liberation was finally over, Mugabe emerged as a hero and a savior in the eyes of many Zimbabweans and other Africans. The following year he won the election and became the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. After seven years Mugabe abolished the position of Prime Minister and instead became president, gaining additional power in the …show more content…
It also shows the effects of colonization and the western countries' unwillingness to support their formal colonies, as well as posing a warning of just how much damage a single person can do, in a very short time. Although many of Mugabe’s methods have been practiced in other non democratic countries, the ones experienced in Zimbabwe are some of the worst of all time. There are a lot of reasons behind the demolishing of Zimbabwe and the crushing of its once prosperous future. Even though Robert Mugabe has made hundreds of decisions over the past 40 years, all of which has contributed into ruining his own country and its people, I have chosen to focus on a couple of actions that I think have had the biggest impact on