
Short Story Of Shaun King: A Woman Who Changed History

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Did you know that one person could change the course of history? A woman named Mother Jones changed history because she defended rights for children. Another named Nelson Mandela changed history by standing up for the freedom of people. Shaun King changed history by spreading civil rights messages throughout social media. These three individuals helped to enact change by speaking out and standing up so people would see them and follow them on their journey of change.
Mother Jones was a very motivated person because she wanted children to have their rights. According to the text “They would march the mill children all the way to the president of the United States”(Josephson). In order to get the attention to make a difference Mother Jones walked to the president with a group to help the children and present her cause to him. The text quoted “ “I love children,” Mother Jones once told a reporter.”(Josephson). To express how she felt towards children she wanted to tell a reporter to show that she really cared. The author stated “On July 15, Mother Jones wrote a letter to President Roosevelt.”(Josephson). Another way Mother Jones tried to present the problem was writing a letter to the president. …show more content…

According to the author “The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in my country and my people.”(Mandela). Apartheid made Nelson Mandela unhappy and he wanted to make a change for his people. In the text Mandela stated “I walked that long road to freedom”(Mandela). He continued to say “As a young man, when I joined the African National Congress, I saw the price my comrades paid for their beliefs, and it was high.”(Mandela). After a long time fighting, Mandela finished his battle against apartheid and he knew that if he worked hard enough he could accomplish something. After the long fight, Apartheid made Mandela known as he stood up for what is right and helped his

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