Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Quotes

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We all have to have courage even when faced with obstacles.In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor,Cassie Logan was a brave and courageous girl.She will always help T.J despite his actions towards the family,facing Lillian Jean,and by standing up to Mr. Barnett.In a time when equality was not really truly fair, Cassie logan a 9 year old girl had to stand up for the people she cared about and do what she has to protect them.

T.J Avery, he got momma fired,got Stacy in trouble, and made Stacey and him fight which got Stacey in a lot more trouble.It says on page 191,” It was you alright,T.J It was you.”Stacey said that , he was furious,but despite how T.J acted to the Logans,Cassie never lost hope in T.J even how bad he acted towards the family, Cassie will always help him, he said ,”I-I’m in trouble ……….I’m really in …show more content…

“I had been as nice as I could be to him and here he was talking like this.”(Taylor, 111)Have you ever felt like you were being treated unfairly,Cassie did a lot.She stood up for herself when this happened on page 111,” While you round here waiting on everybody else.And it ain’t fair.”Mr.Barnett said,” Well ,you just get your little black self back over there and wait some more.”(Taylor 111)Cassie always stands up for herself when she is being treated