Roman Catholic Essay: Largest Division Of Christianity

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Roman Catholic Essay The Christian faith has many divisions and different practices in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, and of those divisions is the Roman Catholic church. The Roman Catholic church is believed to be the first Christian church formed and the largest division of Christianity which has 1.28 billion followers ("Catholic Church."). With the Catholic church being the basis to start all other divisions of Christianity, it is important to learn the roots of the ‘first church of Christ’ and what it’s sole beliefs and practices are. The Roman Catholic faith is the origin for other Christian faiths and their political and theological ideals.
The Catholic church is headed by the bishop of Rome, Italy (also called the Pope) with its administration located in the Vatican City of Italy. The Vatican summarizes the Catholic …show more content…

This is a problem because the other divisions see it as worshiping people who are not the God, while Catholics see it as asking these figures to pray for them as they go about life ("Catholic Church."). Another distinction between Catholicism and the other divisions is how often they practice the sacraments and their rules. Like Catholicism, most Christian faiths follow the seven sacraments (baptism, eucharist, reconciliation, confirmation, matrimony, anointing of the sick, and holy orders) ("Catholic Church."). Catholics practice eucharist at every mass while others typically practice eucharist every month. Another distinction is that many Christian divisions do not practice reconciliation regularly like the Catholic church ("Catholic Church."). These distinctions are some of only many that are between the Catholic church and the protestant faiths. Although many of the Christian church’s agree on many controversial stances in