Roman Republic Civilization: What Type Of Political System Did The Civilization Have?

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Civilization: Roman Republic Civilization
Politics: What type of political system did the civilization have?
In Roman culture, the nobles were known as patricians. The most noteworthy positions in the legislature were held by two diplomats, or pioneers, who led the Roman Republic. A senate made out of patricians chose these representatives. The citizens did not have any say on the government.

Economics: How was commerce regulated and goods/services exchanged?
The Romans knew two kinds of businesspeople, the negotiatores and the mercatores. The negotiatores were to a limited extent financiers since they loaned cash on premium. They likewise purchased and sold staples in mass or did business in discount amounts of merchandise. The argentarii went about …show more content…

Religion assumed a vital part in the day by day life of Ancient Rome and the Romans. Roman religion was based on divine beings and clarifications for occasions generally included the heavenly beings somehow. The Romans believed that heavenly beings controlled their lives and, thus, spent a lot of their time revering them. Jupiter was the most important god. He was the ruler of divine beings. Juno was the goddess of the sky.

Technology: What technologies did the civilization use?
The Romans utilized extraordinary open activities to make their realm the most progressive of the old world. The Romans especially exceeded expectations at building roads. The Romans also built many gigantic stadiums called amphitheaters.

Environment/Geography: What type of environment/geography/climate affected the civilization?
The climate that affected civilization included desert places. The people that lived in these places lived a different kind of lifestyle than those that lived in places that experienced rainfall.

Education: How (if at all) did the civilization train and educate its