Roman Technological Advancements

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Roman Technology The Ancient Romans were very skilled engineers. They had many ideas that turned into reality. Without the Romans’ advanced engineering skills and ideas, the world would not have the same technological advances. The Romans made many technological advancements and inventions. The Romans use of new building materials allowed them to make stronger, bigger buildings. Many different materials and designs such as concrete were used by the Romans for building (Macdonald). Concrete was a major invention for construction. The “Concrete Revolution” was a time in which concrete or “opus caementicium” quickly enhanced (Labate). With ingredients like slaked lime and pozzolana, volcanic ash, Roman concrete was very durable, and it was able to withstand chemicals (Andrews). The Romans used concrete and stone blocks for making arches and bridges (Labate). Before the Romans …show more content…

Roman engineers altered arches for different building types (Andrews). The Romans built arched bridges over all different types of terrain to support systems such as aqueducts (Tyus). Many Roman bridges are still in good enough condition to be used today (Labate). The Romans were able to keep their their extensive territory because of their engineering capabilities (Tyus). Many Roman innovations were improved versions of older inventions (Labate). The Romans based many of their inventions and ideas on the Greeks’ influence (“Technology” 446). An important technological advancement was made by the Romans: “The Romans were responsible, through the application and development of available machines, for an important technological transformation: the widespread introduction of rotary motion” (“Technology” 446). The Romans improved agriculture with the iron plowshare and systems of irrigation, through the use of the norea and the Archimedean screw (“Technology” 446).