Romeo And Juliet Comparative Essay

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1 Assignment 2 Drama Assignment Do our Differences Define Us? 1. Do our differences define us? We are defined both by our differences and by our similarities. These elements are co-dependent on each other, and serveto make a rounded identity of ourselves. The role similarities play in defining: Although "every person is unique", there are aspects that everyone has in common with someone else. One's age group, ethnicity, career, nationality, gender, hobby (alongside other attributes) will unite them with other people through similarity. Both personal examples and moments from movies and television support this idea of identification through similarity2. Provide at least two quotes from the play Romeo and Juliet to show that the characters’ …show more content…

Capulets, Juliet is slated to marry Verona's hottest non-Montague bachelor until she takes her fate into her own hands. This is a girl whoknows what she wants, and gets it—even if it means death. #2 Saints do not move, thought grant for prayers' sake.In fact, she might even be the play's real protagonist: she speaks to the audience most frequently (often a good indicator of who is important in aShakespeare play), and her character undergoes the greatestevolution during the course of the play. She also gets to speak some of Shakespeare's most poetically beautiful lines. #1The dreams often lie.Mercutio is Romeo's sword-fight loving BFF, and you probably won't be surprised to find out that his name sounds a lot like the word "mercurial," i.e. "volatile," i.e. "touchy." He neverbacks down from a duel and, although he's neither a Montague nor a Capulet, he gets involved in the long-standing family feud on the side of the Montagues. That turns out to be a mistake on his part: Mercutio#2And did I.He's dirty, funny, out of control, and—we'll say it—compared to him, Romeo and Juliet can seem whiny and repetitive. Mercutio istechnically a minor character, buthis personality has such a disproportionate impact that maybe he has to die or he would take over the play. In fact, Englishpoet John Dryden said that Shakespeare himself admitted that he had to kill …show more content…

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